community doula care rooted in
mesoamerican indígena traditions
Earthen Mama
culturally & spiritually aligned,
trauma-informed community doula support for
Indigenous & Black Womben
Birthing People & their families
based in Seattle, WA
Coast Salish land
Point Elliott & Medicine Creek Treaty Territory
Maya diosa IxChel, goddess of women, sex, fertillity, childbirth & midwifery
values & commitments
Giving birth and bringing life into this world is one of the most sacred, natural, and transformative experiences one can have. Our Ancestors knew and celebrated the magic of the Womb and the Mother. Our wise Matriarchs led our communities and Womben took care of other Womben in true sisterhood.
Colonization, imperialism, and capitalism have attempted to remove the Soul from witnessing the Divinity within ourselves and our lives. The medicalization of Birth, pathologizing the most human of experiences and condemning our natural bodies’ inherent wisdom to that of a medical emergency, has caused tremendous and unnatural suffering by Womben and Birthing People.
While these systems have attempted to separate our relationship with her, the voices of our ancestors and our own are simply too powerful. We deserve to engage in the act of birth as ceremony.
Many Indigenous cultures around the world hold sacred the same core values of being a good relative to ourselves, our communities, and our Earth. The richness of the human tapestry is our diversity and while often similar, our people and our cultures are not a monolith. While my Indigenous roots lie primarily within Mesoamerican Maya traditions and cosmovision, I believe in remaining culturally humble and providing care that honors and aligns with your specific cultural and spiritual ways.
Our ways have been demonized and devalued for far too long. Ritual and ceremony are invaluable and truly enrich our lives. Birth and all her facets deserve to be engaged with good medicine. I would love to learn more about you and what practices are important to you, while also sharing my own with reciprocity when it feels appropriate.
With this said, I do not believe that all ceremony is accessible to everyone. Nobody is entitled to all aspects of all cultures, rites, and rituals. I will not perform certain rituals with non-Indigenous folks and I do not expect to be welcomed into closed ceremony.
"Mayan cacao ceremonies" and other appropriated neospiritual commodified practices are not ones I condone or support.
I am committed to advocating for and supporting survivors of all forms of violence, particularly that of sexual and gender-based violence. As Indigenous peoples (and all People of the Global Majority), colonial and imperial violence was visited upon us with devastating effects. Generational trauma impacts all of us in ways we are often unaware of.
However, even when our minds are unaware of the specifics, our bodies hold both the knowledge of our trauma AND the wisdom to heal ourselves. Pregnancy, birth, and parenthood can bring up a tremendous amount of trauma and you deserve meaningful, trauma-informed support and care. You never have to tell me about your trauma, but you are always welcome to share whatever feels right, when it feels right. I am trained in trauma-informed care and I approach all relationships with the assumption that we are all doing the best we can given our circumstances. Consent is key and we will continuously communicate about needs, expectations, and boundaries throughout our work together.
The medical field, and particularly that of gynecology and obstetrics, is rife with institutional racism, inequity in care, abuse, and harm. Maternal and infant mortality rates among Black and Indigenous women in the U.S. is horrifically high and simply inexcusable. This unacceptable reality can be fixed. Doulas play a critical role in patient advocacy. My role as a doula is to support and empower you, to amplify your voice, and remind you that you are deserving of the very best care.
I am loudly & unapologetically pro-choice, pro-Black, Brown, and Indigenous, anti-imperialist & anti-capitalist, community focused, and an out and proud Queer Womban. I am passionate about reproductive health and equity for all people around the globe. I believe we have a duty to ourselves and our fellow people to radically love and fight for one another and our collective liberation. I actively engage in thinking critically and am eager to learn, unlearn, and grow.
Gender Inclusion: While the majority of my work focuses on cisgender Womben, I am honored to support and hold space for all Birthing People of all genders. All of my forms and correspondence will be tailored to you. You deserve affirming care and you are very welcome here. I do not tolerate transphobia and will not accept clients who express transphobic beliefs. I honor the beauty of our gender tapestry and am here to support you however I can. I also fully support holistic care that includes people who share your experience and am happy to provide excellent references for Trans, Non-Binary, and Two-Spirit doulas and birthworkers should that feel more aligned. You deserve the best care possible and I recognize that I might not be the doula for you.
Regarding pricing: My ultimate goal is to be able to serve fellow Indigenous, Afroindigenous, Latina/é, and Black Womben and Birthing People entirely free of charge. Quality, comprehensive health care is a fundamental human right and I firmly believe that doula services play a crucial role in our community health. While I trust the Universe will provide the abundance for me to be able to serve our communities in this way, the reality is that I must also support myself and my family financially. There also requires a significant amount of privilege to be able to do this work without there being a high financial cost. In this moment of my journey, I do not yet have that privilege.
With that said, money is energy and I believe in fair energy exchange that honors the value and worth of the services one provides. Birthwork is sacred, deeply energetically taxing, meaningful work that has tremendous value. I cannot truly pour into you and be connected if I am not tending to my own needs. Thank you for honoring the inherent worth and value of this work.
If you are in need of doula services and cannot afford one, please contact me or see the Community Care - Doula Care Services tab for references and resources to look into.
Every Womban and Birthing Person deserves a doula. Doula care is essential for just, empowered reproductive healthcare and should be accessible to everyone regardless of financial means. There are numerous birthworkers and organizations striving to remedy this inequity and provide services for everyone.
Birthwork is sacred work and doulas deserve to be justly compensated for their work. The reality of living under capitalism within the imperial core is that the material conditions of BBIPGM (Black Brown Indigenous People of the Global Majority) are dire. I offer a sliding scale option for BBIPGM clients and various payment plans. If you would like to choose the sliding scale option, please mention it during our consultation. I am happy to discuss financial barriers and do not want the cost of our work together to be an added stress. To learn more about my pricing philosophy, please visit the Pricing page.